This may surprise you, but translating content for global websites and other marketing channels is fundamentally a technology issue, not a language issue.
Why? Automation and software play a pivotal role in managing your localized content. There are three well-known technologies that can help you mitigate complicated translation and production workflows.
Our free e-book, The Technologies of Translation, educates you on the pros and cons of these technologies:
In the e-book, you’ll discover:
- Understandable explanations on how each technology works
- How they handles online and multichannel translation
- 采用不稳定的解决方案会面临的陷阱
- How some technologies will save you money—while others won’t
Translating and localizing content for global websites is fundamentally a technology issue. 选择可满足需求的恰当技术能在未来为您节省时间与开支。