MotionPoint’s Adaptive Translation™ delivers human-quality translations at a fraction of the cost by utilizing Artificial Intelligence, Translation Memory, and Algorithmic Translation.
Get a Demo, HeroWhen MotionPoint’s platform detects new content on your site, it automatically sends it off for Adaptive Translation™
翻译 From Memory...
Automatically reuses previously translated content and identifies repetitive patterns for faster, cost-effective translations. Maintains brand voice and cultural nuances with precision.
Translation Savings
翻译 By Brand Voice AI...
Transforms your style guide and glossary into AI-powered translations that mirror your brand's tone, style, and terminology. Achieves up to 65% higher quality than generic machine translation.
Translation Savings
Reviewing Quality
Real-time quality scoring ensures only content below your selected quality threshold is sent for human review. Reduces costs while guaranteeing consistent quality.
Translation Savings
Professional translators refine content for unmatched accuracy and localization, delivering final translations ready for your audience.
Translation Savings
Adaptive Translation™ has the potential to shift the way organizations across industries think about content translation and localization. Adaptive Translation™ limits the number of words that need to be translated by a human being, which results in big savings on translation costs over time while still receiving human-quality translation services.
AI-driven translations that adapt to your brand's specific voice and tone.
Predictable translation costs ensure price transparency and reliability for your organization.
Cost-efficiencies that scale. Pay less and less for human translation as you grow.
Quality estimation to help ensure quality standards are met with less expensive human review.
New content updates are translated and deployed in one business day.
Eliminate unnecessary work for your internal teams by leveraging the full power of Brand Voice AI and AdaptiveQE technology.
Strategically leverage Brand Voice AI and human translation in any given web page, to help control costs.
Hands-off, real-time translation ensures the fastest turn around time in the industry without burdening your team.
With Adaptive Translation™ Brand Voice AI is continuously refined to your preferred brand voice, tone, and message.
Take a Deeper Dive
Want to learn more about the translation and localization industry? Check out our resource section and become an expert on all things related to a great multilingual experience.
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