

By leveraging nuanced cultural knowledge of international markets, businesses stand to generate more global sales and revenue than ever before.

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Dominic Dithurbide



Smart companies are always looking to reach untapped markets through digital channels. But the smartest companies are finding success by communicating with online customers in their languages of choice, writes Charles Whiteman in a guest post at Webbiquity.

But providing in-language shopping experiences won't guarantee sustained success, says Whiteman, MotionPoint's SVP of Client Services. Another kind of fluency is required: cultural fluency.

This nuanced approach to online communication really moves the needle in generating brand trust, engagement, conversions and revenue, Whiteman wrote.

Learn more about how MotionPoint leverages cultural fluency to help its clients succeed by reading the full story at Webbiquity.

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关于Dominic Dithurbide

Dominic Dithurbide是一位富有创意、以目标为导向的营销领导者,致力于在翻译行业一展所长。Dominic为MotionPoint的营销团队带来了全球营销、需求生成和市场营销等方面的专长与策略。

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Dominic Dithurbide

